Monday, September 27, 2010


Yep, it's true. I'm about to leave on an adventure of a life time. Final destination (for the week): MINNESOTA! . First though I'll take you all (and by all I mean the 1, maybe 2 if I'm lucky, people that will actually read this) through the days leading up to the big trip. I'll share with you my packing tips and tricks and steps I am taking to make sure I am able to immerse myself in the culture as soon as I get there. In order to do this, I will be reading up on the people and region which are foreign to me (since I've never been to Minnesota). I may even try to locate a person who actually grew up in Minnesota and see if they have any suggestions on how I can quickly acclimate myself while there so I can utilize every second of the 36 hours I will be there.

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